A.J.B. Counseling & Psychotherapy

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Panic attacks and why "alternative treatments" don't work

The vlog version of this blog post.

In this post, I'll cover some of the most common alternative treatments and explain why they may work temporarily but fail in the long run.

Alternative healing arts (Shamanism, crystal healing, etc.).

Perhaps you're thinking about trying an "instant-cure" method by paying your hard-earned money to a crystal healer, a "breathing specialist," or a shaman. I'm sure these professions have their place in the healing world, but they don't cure panic. In my professional observation, they have a proven track record of failure. 

Alternative healing methods = placebo effect.

Another word for these types of healing methods is "placebo." If you've ever heard of a placebo, then you know that placebo means "fake treatment." Don't get me wrong; I don't have anything against the placebo effect. As a matter of fact, I embrace it and use it when appropriate. However, if the placebo flies in the face of reality, it will ultimately come undone. 

This is the case with alternative healing arts: They do an excellent job of convincing us that we are cured of panic, which keeps our fear of panic at bay. And, if you understand the mechanism that drives panic attacks, you can see how calming the worry about having another panic attack will stop panic from reoccurring. 

Placebo is not enough.

Unfortunately, placebo-based interventions do nothing to address the strong conditioned responses that drive panic attacks. They also do nothing about teaching us how to tolerate some of the more uncomfortable sensations that panic brings about. Without addressing the conditioned responses and learning how to handle panic sensations, sooner or later, a stressful life event will trigger the underlying panic mechanism, and the panic problem will re-emerge. 

Herbal supplements for panic are like shots in the dark.

Some herbal supplements may be able to help. Unfortunately, the herbal supplement world is poorly understood. Scientists rarely research herbal supplements because of how the funding of drug research works. Drug companies are only interested in funding research that they can own. Natural products cannot be patented or trademarked. 

Herbal supplement research on panic is often biased.

Nonetheless, herbal supplement manufacturers sometimes fund herbal research to boost their sales. However, that type of research is highly questionable due to intentional researcher bias. In other words: An herbal supplement company won't hire researchers who aren't willing to spin the truth in their favor.

Some quality herbal supplement research shows promise.

Still, some unbiased research does exist and seems to show some promise. For example, Inositol, while poorly tolerated due to side effects, does show promise in treating high anxiety levels. Also, 5-HTP showed some potential to decrease the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. 

I've done a substantial amount of research on herbal supplements and panic, so I may make another post specifically on what herbal supplements may be worth trying. Leave a comment if that's something that interests you.

Don't waste time experimenting: Do what works.

As a State Licensed Psychotherapist, I am held to a much higher ethical standard than alternative healing providers. In my experience of watching people struggle with panic, you're more likely to waste your money, energy, and time chasing a cure through alternative medicine than by starting treatment with me. Ultimately, the choice is up to you. All I can do is present you with the options. 

When you're ready, feel free to book a free 15-minute consultation, and we'll get you started on the right path.

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Self-Help Workshops

Curing panic will only be possible once you understand all the theories and methodologies involved. To save you time and money, I have pre-recorded workshops covering all diagnostic scenarios and, therefore, all the skills you'll need to overcome panic. Your membership includes one free session with me. I strongly recommend you finish watching all the workshops before booking our session.

To give you an idea of what these workshops are like, I am giving away the first workshop for free. Follow this link to sign up and receive the video.

Private Sessions

Perhaps you understand what you must do to eliminate panic but need some troubleshooting or direct support. I invite you to book a private, one-on-one session with me, where we'll focus on whatever is causing you trouble. I created multiple levels of care for private sessions so that everyone has an option that they can afford. Lastly, you can reserve these sessions each week or book on an as-needed basis.

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