Welcome to Your Panic Survival Guide

Thank you for downloading the Panic Survival Guide! I created this resource to help you understand why panic attacks happen and how to start breaking free from them. If you ever have any questions about the guide, feel free to reach out

Next Steps: Ready to Take Control?

If you’re ready to take real steps toward overcoming panic, I’d love to help. I specialize in panic disorder, agoraphobia, and anxiety, and I offer a free 15-minute consultation to see if we’re the right fit. Let’s talk.

What Others Are Saying

🎥 Watch This: A Former Client’s Journey to Freedom from Agoraphobia

Overcoming panic attacks can feel impossible, but it’s not. Watch this interview with a former client who successfully overcame agoraphobia in just 1.5 months through dedicated work and the right strategies.

When I first started working with Adam, I never imagined I could recover this fast. But after just 1.5 months of structured therapy, my panic attacks were completely gone. It was life-changing, and I wish I had done it sooner.
— Ms. X (former client, featured in the video above)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No. While the symptom presentation varies from person to person, the underlying mechanism maintaining the panic problem is the same.

  • Yes. Panic disorder requires more interoceptive exposure, whereas agoraphobia requires some interoceptive but mostly in-vivo exposure.

  • It works for most people. The most common issue that stops people from improving is a lack of homework follow-through.

  • Panic manifests differently for everyone, but the treatment approach works across cases.

  • Most of my clients see at least 50% reduction in symptoms in just 2 months.

Questions? Reach Out Anytime!

📞 347-460-6570
🌐 panicfreenyc.com
📩 info@ajbcounseling.com