How Does Panic Function? Understanding the Spiral of a Panic Attack
The best way to understand how a panic attack functions is to think of it as an escalating spiral. This spiral captures the way panic exists and perpetuates itself within you. Let’s break it down step by step.
Image representing the panic cycle, or more accurately, the panic spiral
The Two Core Components of Panic
Panic attacks are fueled by the interaction of two primary components:
The Fear of Fear Cycle
At the heart of a panic attack is what’s called the "fear of symptoms of fear." This means that your physical symptoms—like a racing heart, tight chest, or dizziness—trigger fear, which then makes the symptoms even worse. This cycle creates a feedback loop where fear feeds into itself, escalating your anxiety further and further.
Escalating Anticipation Anxiety
Alongside the fear of symptoms is a growing sense of dread, or anticipation anxiety, where you become increasingly anxious about what might happen next. This anticipation anxiety doesn’t just sit alongside your fear—it actively amplifies the intensity of your physical symptoms. The more you anticipate catastrophe, the stronger your symptoms become, which in turn fuels even greater fear. Together, this creates a self-reinforcing loop that pushes you further up the spiral.
Reaching the Peak of the Panic Spiral
At the top of this spiral is the peak of a panic attack. By the time you reach this point, your fear of your symptoms and the anticipation of catastrophe are so overwhelming that your body and mind feel like they’re in a state of full-blown crisis. It’s this combination of fear of fear and anticipation anxiety working hand in hand that creates the intensity of a panic attack.
Why Understanding the Spiral Matters
When you understand how panic functions as an escalating spiral, it becomes clearer why panic attacks feel so out of control. But it also highlights something important: the spiral can be interrupted. By targeting either the fear of symptoms or the anticipation anxiety, you can break the cycle and start to regain control.
If you’ve been struggling with panic attacks, recognizing this pattern is the first step toward overcoming them. With the right tools and support, it’s possible to stop the spiral and reduce the intensity and frequency of your panic attacks.